Banishing Visibility Blocks
I'm always in awe of the people I work with. Every one of them (and that's many of you, thank you).
It takes serious courage to create something from nothing and put it out into the world. This is art, work, creativity. This is the way we make a difference and have impact.
I wrote this for you on my way home from photographing another incredible human up to good work.
I wrote this for you because I want to encourage you to keep stoking the fires of your dreams. To stay in the game even when the rules are F'd.
I want to do my part in helping you do your part (and I know you do so much) because I truly believe our world is a better place when we are actively influencing what and how business is being done.
And having a business, sharing your art, your work, your service with the world, means being seen.
Visibility is literally the ability to be seen.
Every business needs to continuously increase their visibility in order to reach those who need them.
And increasing your visibility is no joke.
More visibility means more success and more success can be scary.
More success typically means more responsibility, more chances of failing (and our failures being seen), and sometimes more guilt.
I know, sounds awful, but stay with me though.
Success also quite literally means achieving and experiencing your desired outcome.
You see the tension there? The opposing forces at play?
Of course you do.
Success like most of the good stuff in life is a mixed bag and requires a lot of us.
So what’s a smart, success oriented, scaredy pants to do??
Like most of life’s quandaries there isn’t one simple answer but there are practices we can lean into and ultimately a lot of it comes down to deciding to do it anyway.
Success is risky, can be scary, and takes a lot of hard work.
Success + Love have a lot in common. You see that? I mean love is risky AF and we do it anyway (again and again, GAWD I love the human spirit).
Getting behind our own success is one way we love ourselves.
And remember success is the experience of achieving our own desired outcome, in other words WE define what success is.
So here’s my invitation.
Decide what your desired outcome is (you can have many, but picking one at a time can be useful in building capacity for visibility + success).
Budget for the fears, resistance, and blocks. Kind of like watching your thoughts in meditation rather than engaging in them. You know they're going to happen but you commit to letting them float by while you stay focused on your purpose.
Show up, be visible, take up space, AND take good tender care of yourself.
Be vulnerable AND powerful.
Put yourself out there AND retreat and rest.
Be bold and brave AND have boundaries (decide what you won’t share).
Both/and will serve us better than either/or.
You deserve to be successful. Get after it.