Your Visibility Fears Are Valid

If you’re here, your vision for what’s possible in the world is not small. 

You have important culture and future shaping work to do. You know your big dream is intimately tied to your ability to stand up and stand out. 

And in order for us to benefit from your work we need to see you. Really see you. 

Fact: visibility is the way you get your work out there. You can't help people, you can’t have the impact you’re here to have, and you can’t build financial wealth if you’re hard to find. 

But visibility is a tricky beast for womxn. 

Here’s why - visibility is visceral. We all have deeply embedded personal and collective narratives, traumas, and resources around visibility. 

Visibility is a risk for womxn because visibility is power - something womxn are not supposed to have in our culture.   

And if you’re here, you’re ready to change that.

Many of us have done mindset work, strategy work, even confidence work. But visibility work?

Coming together in a powerfully held group to address the somatics AND the strategies of visibility is new and necessary - and it’s exactly what we’ll be doing in Visibility Medicine. 

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Visibility Medicine is a 6 month immersive program dedicated to helping you bravely name, claim, and share your work at every stage so that you can have the impact you’re here to have.

So the people out there whose lives will be changed/healed/made better by your unique gifts, offerings and medicine can find you. So you can build beautiful, generative power through visibility.   

This is not a one-day seminar, or a quick webinar or online class to blow through and move on - and you won’t be on this journey alone.

You’ll be joining a powerful group of other mission driven leaders, seekers, healers, coaches, and entrepreneurs who want to use visibility to rise. 

Visibility Medicine is about building resilience.

It’s about taking up your rightful space in the world, it’s about creating what you are here to create, and sustaining your work so that your wins are long haul wins. 

Enrollment has officially begun - are you joining us? 

Click here to get all the details and enroll. 

Danielle Cohen